Through the Prism, Darkly


The revelations about how much data technology firms were and are sharing with the NSA seem to just keep coming. The technology firms in question (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook) have, while denying the NSA had carte blanche access, nonetheless admitted that they have responded to the thousands of requests for data from the US government. Facebook admitted to receiving 10,000 requests for user data in the second half of 2012 alone.

But what has this to do with marketing, Ireland and Data Privacy?

Well, for the past while, the EU has been winding its way down the bumpy road towards updating data protection legislation from 1995. With the NSA scandal, it seems like events have overtaken it somewhat. Indeed, some of the lobbying to weaken this legislation has come from the US Government itself who seems to feel like data protection is a nuisance that would get in the way of their ability to spy on EU citizens.

So it would seem like the new legislation, whilst rightly requiring more accountability from firms handling personal data, will actually do little to stop governments from prying. This, unfortunately for marketers, could mean less trust from customers. And while most people would admit it would be almost impossible to wean ourselves from the digital teat offered by technology firms, they can still chose not to engage with marketing campaigns.

With this little freedom left to them, what way will customers jump?

Paul Rooney
Web Developer

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