You can have it in two ticks


Portland, Oregon-based graphic designer Dina Rodriguez is creating some great self publicity for herself. She has started a campaign to fund a design challenge where she aims to make 100 logos in 100 days. All well and good, let’s face it not many people had heard of Dina before, but exactly what is she providing and what is she doing for her and designer’s reputations?

Designing logos doesn’t just happen. They come from somewhere; inspiration, a scribble, a childhood memory, anywhere. This can come to you in seconds, minutes, hours or days, then you scamp it up, think of different layout options, typefaces, illustrations, colours… get the gist, and that’s only one option.

So despite worldwide recognition, response have been slow, but why could this be? There’s a saying in the creative industry; ‘You can have it Good or Cheap or Quick, but not all three.’ So have punters worked it out themselves that if it is indeed Quick and Cheap therefore it can’t be good? Maybe, you decide:  check it out here.

Paul Gibson
Guess what? I’m an Art Director


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