Customer Experience in the Ascendancy

customer experience

Customer Experience (CEX) is increasingly taking centre stage in Ireland as more companies realise that it is crucial for survival with rising customer expectations. While it is the best way for Irish brands to differentiate themselves, businesses are not clear on who owns the CEX brief internally. The London School of Economics reported that while  an amazing experience will be referred up to four times, a poor experience reaches up to 40 people. And all agree that when done brilliantly, it increases customer referrals amongst their tight group of friends, colleagues and family members.

Adobe launched a 2015 Digital Trends Report  trends report that supports the need for businesses to drive a CEX friendly culture (link here). The report supports the argument that CEX is the standout imperative for 2015, based on inputs from 6,000 global professionals. Strategy and culture are widely identified as the most important building blocks for successful integration of customer experience in any organisation.

It can be a complex process to deliver epic experiences that will impact positively on the bottom line. This is why, Ireland’s first customer experience initiative, was launched in Dublin last month. has partnered with international practitioners to deliver a unique tried-and-tested framework to help companies gain absolute control over the CEX challenge. It also allows Irish companies to benchmark their performance against world class brands in global markets and identify how to speed up their delivery with the most effective strategies.

Michael Killeen


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